Friday, July 4, 2014

Environment Progress

Hey, guys.
Apologies for the lack of updates. Just want to write here to show some behind-the-scenes of the project, Simfoni.

Here are some images of the not-so-finalized rendered background.

Our animation was set in a train station in the era of P. Ramlee, the local artist, which was in the 1950s. We tried to take influence in some present day train station design which retains the old style design, such as the Kuala Lumpur KTM Train Station. We even went to the said train station and took pictures as well as observe the details in the architecture and structure of the train.

The train designs are mostly based on old-style design of trains as well. As well as cargo train that is common in Malaysia.

Behind the train station, the environment is changed into an alleyway behind shoplots, where the main character takes shelter. It is meant to be shown as messy, unkempt and dirty to reflect the living situation of the main character, thus giving him more sympathy with the audience. 

The pathway that leads to the alleyway from the train station platform. The intersection between our two characters is made possible because of this tunnel pathway.

Monday, October 28, 2013

character design

The character design

1. Sani - the train station supervisor

2. Pak Satar, the street violinist

3. Adin, the little thief

concept art - props updated

some of the important props that we use in our animation.  

1. the new flute

2. The train - old design

3. Violin

4. Old flute

train station and train concept art

this is our concept art and design for the train. 

This is our concept art for the train station. the first one is the design of the train station without the roof. the second one is fully covered with roof. the third one is the train station with some roof. 

the third one is the choice.